Date Posted:02/13/2009 9:59 AMCopy HTML

O Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack; the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
~~Walt Whitman~~
Though my grandfather who was a captain did not die, I felt that the poetry above by Walt Whitman fit the story about my grandfather. He could have easily died aboard that riverboat, if it hadn't been for the help that he received from the one deckhand and the police officers that night. Hope that you enjoy reading the following story.

The following page describes the accident that my grandfather had when working on a steamboat and how he ended up losing part of his one leg. The next page contains a few letters from Donald Zirkelbach to my grandmother Ophelia Hoffmann and vice versa. She informs Donald that my Grandfather Cornelius McGee had passed away. Donald had no idea that he had passed away and was wondering how he had been getting along since the accident with his leg. I hope that you enjoy the following letters. Donald's wife Cleo sent me a picture of Donald in his uniform on his motorcycle. I am very thankful to her for the picture on the next page. Please use the other message threads theto read the letters. FIDDLINSUE  My grandfather was Captain Connie McGee. The photograph on this page is a picture of him that was drawn by Jude on July 19, 1931. Poetry on this page was taken from a personal book titled,"Popular Quotations For All Uses~1942". Information on Captain McGee is from my own personal collection and is not in the public domain. Photography is Fiddlinsue©. This set was created for a page challenge at WebWeaving. | | |
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