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- Register:11/11/2008 8:17 AM
Date Posted:02/20/2009 2:07 AMCopy HTML
Interesting Books
I thought that the following books would be interesting reading. I hope that you might enjoy browsing the five pages on this message thread in hopes of finding something interesting to read. Have a wonderful day!
Fiddlinsue a.k.a. Fiddlinsue
Way's Packet DirectoryBy Way, Frederick Jr..
Ohio University Press. c. 1983, 620 pages, ill., Only about 30 pictures. A comprehensive listing of every known packetboat (passenger steamer) on the Mississippi River system. Size, Power, Builder, Owners, Cross-listing of all names.
Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
Way's Steam Towboat DirectoryBy Way, Frederick Jr..
Ohio University Press...c.1990, 294 pages.
No pictures, a comprehensive listing of every known packetboat (Passenger Steamer) on the Mississippi River System.
Size, power, builder, owners, cross-listing of all names.
Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
Where Goes The RiverBy Tousley, Albert S..
Iowa City, Iowa. The Tepee Press, c. 1928, 296 pages, ill., plates, ports, 25 cm.
A canoe trip from the source of the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico, twenty-five hundred miles, in which its physical features, history, legends & people are portrayed with word and picture.
Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
Where The River Runs Deep: The Story Of a Mississippi River PilotBy Jackson, Joy J..
Baton Rouge Louisiana State University Press, c. 1993, xiv, 273 pages, ill., maps, 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 7/30/2001.
White Knuckles LogBy McAlpine, Don.
Council Oak Books, c. 1986.
"Retiree sails from Oklahoma to Mississippi River & then on to Florida in a 26 foot Hunter Sailboat.
Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001. |

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