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- Register:11/11/2008 8:17 AM
Date Posted:02/20/2009 1:16 AMCopy HTML
Interesting Books
First Steamboat Down The MississippiBy Fichter, George S.. Illustrated by Joe Boddy. Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican Publications Co., 1989, 112 pages, ill., 23 cm. "Ages eight & up...A fictional account of the eventful 1811 voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers on the Steamboat "New Orleans", told through the eyes of a fourteen year old deckhand. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 7/29/2001.
 | Four Months In A Sneak-BoxBy Bishop, Nathaniel Holmes. A boat voyage of 2600 miles down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and along the Gulf of Mexico. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1975, xii, 322 pages., [6] leaves of plates: ill.; 23 cm. Facsimile reprint of the 1879 ed. published by Lee and Shepard Boston. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 7/29/2001.
 | God Of The CountryBy Benn, Nathan. A voyage on the Mississippi River/Photography by Nathan Benn; selections from American Literature. Charlottesville, Va. : Thomasson, Grant &Howell, c. 1985, 128 pages, col. ill.; 31 cm. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 7/29/2001.
 | Handmade Houseboats, Independent Living AfloatBy Condor, Russell. International Marine #158022-0. USD 19.95...230 pages and 170 illustrations. A book about building the drifting or sedentary type houseboat. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
 | High WaterBy Bissell, Richard Pike. Little, Brown & Co. Boston.....A novel about a towboat trip up the Mississippi River when she's runnin' good. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
 | How Many Miles To Galena?By Bissell, Richard Pike. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, c. 1968, 310 pages. This book is basically an "on the road" trip ranging all over the U. S. A significant portion involves experiences as the owner of Bissell Towing, running a one-boat fleet with the 56 foot towboat Coal Queen. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
 | Inland River RecordBy Way, Frederick Jr.. Now issued annually by The Waterways Journal, St. Louis. 1996-edition--over 4000 listings, 472 pages. A comprehensive listing of every known packetboat (passenger steamer) on the Mississippi River system. Size, Power, Builder, Owners, Cross-listing of all names. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
 | Journeys on the MississippiBy Cooper, Kay. New York, J. Messner, c. 1981, 96 pages, ill., 22 cm. Includes index. The descriptions of seven journeys down the Mississippi between 1498 and 1980 point out how the river and the valley it runs through have changed. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 7/29/2001.
 | Life On The MississippiBy Twain, Mark. Introduction by J. C. Levenson. Illustrated by Don Pulver, Minneapolis, Minnesota......Dillon Press. c. 1967, xii, 441 pages, ill., 27 cm. 1835-1910 Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
 | Mississippi OdysseyBy Markham, Chris. Stafford, VA....Northwoods Press, c. 1980, ill., 132 pages, ill., 21 cm. Bibliography on pages 131-132. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
 | Mississippi Solo: A River QuestBy Harris, Eddy L.. New York, NY...N. Lyons Books, c. 1988, 250 pages, 24 cm. Thoughtful book about a black man's canoe trip from Lake Itasca to New Orleans. In the tradition of Steinbeck, throw in some Hemingway. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 7/30/2001.
 | Mississippi VoyageBy Saville, Curtis. How he rowed down the Mississippi River in 67 days. Derby Line: Aardvark Publications, c. 1986, 128 pages, ill., 22 cm. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
 | Of Youth And The River: The Mississippi Adventure Of Raymond Kurtz, Sr.By Kurtz, Raymond. This story is told to Mark Scheel, illustrations by Pete Peterson, Emporia, Kansas...Royal Press, c. 1993, 79 pages, ill., map, 23 cm. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 7/30/2001.

| Old Glory, An American VoyageBy Raban, Jonathan. New York, Simon & Schuster, c. 1981, 409 pages, maps, 24 cm. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 8/1/2001.
 | On the Frontier with Mr. AudubonBy Brenner, Barbara. New York, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, c. 1977, 96 pages, ill., 24 cm. Audubon's young apprentice describes the experiences he shared with his master during their 18 month trip down the Mississippi studying and drawing the birds they found along the way. Recommended by Fiddlinsue, 7/29/2001. |
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