Date Posted:11/21/2008 12:17 AMCopy HTML
INTRODUCTION "Hello" to all who visit within these pages. My grandfather, Cornelius McGee was a steamboat captain for the Streckfus Steamboat Company in St. Louis, MO. I am interested in finding more out on him and his family. Cornelius' father John McGee and his brother Thomas McGee worked for the Diamond Jo Line in which the Streckfus Steamboat Line acquired some steamboats from. I hope that you enjoy browsing through my website. Please take some time to sign my guestbook and join my community (you'll get updates on the website-this way). If you wish for me to add anything about your riverman or rivermen relatives (picture or information) or your favorite picture of a riverboat--please feel free to send it to me via email. I am dedicating this website to my beloved mother who saved so many memories. Bless her she has died from cancer. She died on January 14th, 1998, she will be missed dearly. I also want to thank Steamboat Willie for giving me the courage to create my own website on Rivermen & Riverboats. If you would like to see more on Steamboat Willie, please visit his page on my site. Please come back soon!! FIDDLINSUE a.k.a. Suzanne
I know not which I love the most, Nor which the comelist shows, The timid, bashful violet Or the royal-hearted rose:
The pansy in her purple dress, The pink with cheek of red, Or the faint, fair heliotrope, who hangs, Like a bashful maid her head.
Phoebe Cary~Spring Flowers
This set is not linkware. Quote above taken from a personal book titled, "Popular Quotations For All Uses." Photo is from a purchased cd. Background code used was provided by Liz from Beyond the Horizon. All backgrounds & images on this set were made by me Fiddlinsue & are not to leave this site. Thanks.