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- Register:11/11/2008 8:17 AM
Date Posted:02/19/2009 6:43 AMCopy HTML

"Welcome To The Obituary Page Of John F. McGee"
"Funeral Of John McGee Held Here Monday Afternoon"
Death Claimed Local Pioneer At The Family Home In Hill District Friday Evening at 7:30 O'Clock John F. McGee, local pioneer, was summoned by death at the family home last Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The funeral services were conducted in the East Dubuque funeral home Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock by the Reverend Alfred Christensen, pastor of the local Methodist Episcopal Church. J. Earle Bott sang hymns during the service, his accompanist being Miss Myra Bock. The body was interred in the local cemetery. The casket was supported by Jacob Temperly, E. O. Klotz, Frank Rolling, Alfred Runde, Henry Verbugt and R. C. Cullen.
Ill Long Time
Although Mr. McGee had been ailing for the past few months, his condition did not become critical until a few hours before his death, which brought deep sorrow not only to his grief-stricken family, but to many friends who admired him for his sterling qualities. Mr. McGee was born in Missouri on November 8, 1868 and lived in this country with his parents when a small child. Although he had resided in East Dubuque for many years at one time he was employed in the south as a sawmill superintendent. He was a member of the Dubuque Tent No. 24. He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow, a son, Wallace of this city, two sisters, Mrs. Rose Dillon and Miss Anne McGee, both of Dubuque, a brother, Captain Connie McGee of Paducah, Kentucky and two great grandchildren. Deaths McGee--Departed this life Friday evening, March 11, 1938, at 7:30 P.M., at his home on Montgomery Ave., East Dubuque, Illinois. John F. McGee, Beloved Husband of Mrs. Hattie J. (Groff) McGee; beloved father of Wallace McGee of East Dubuque; beloved brother of Mrs. Rose Dillon and Miss Anne McGee of Dubuque and Captain Connie McGee of Paducah, Kentucky; beloved grandfather of six grandchildren. In his 75th year.....The body is resting at the East Dubuque Funral Home from where the funeral services will be held at 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. The Rev. Alfred Christensen, pastor of the Wesley M. E. Church will officiate. Burial will be in the East Dubuque Cemetery. The information on this page was taken from a scrapbook that my mother had in her possession at the time of her death. She had put the scrapbook together as she was growing up. There was no dates on any of the information that she kept in the scrapbook. All backgrounds and images were created by me Fiddlinsue© and are not to leave this site by any means. Main image is from my own personal collection. Thanks |
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