Date Posted:02/17/2009 11:42 AMCopy HTML

 Step-By-Step Progress Of The Ohio River At Paducah (January-February 1937) January 15---42.5 feet January 16---42.9 feet January 17---43.2 feet January 18---44.7 feet January 19---46.2 feet January 20---47.5 feet January 21---50.0 feet January 22---52.7 feet January 23---54.7 feet January 24---56.1 feet January 25---57.8 feet January 26---58.8 feet January 27---59.2 feet January 28---59.6 feet January 29---59.9 feet January 30---60.3 feet January 31---60.6 feet February 1---60.7 feet February 2---60.8 feet (crest) February 3---60.75 feet February 4---60.6 feet February 5---60.3 feet February 6---59.85 feet February 7---59.35 feet February 8---58.75 feet February 9---58.1 feet February 10--57.2 feet February 11--56.0 feet February 12--54.75 feet February 13--53.3 feet February 14--52.25 feet February 15--51.0 feet February 16--49.7 feet February 17--48.5 feet February 18--47.2 feet February 19--45.9 feet February 20--44.2 feet February 21--42.35 feet February 22--40.3 feet
Highest previous floodmarks were recorded on April 7, 1913, when the official gauge showed 54.3 feet and February 23, 1884, when 54.2 feet was reached. In 1913 the river stood above 50 feet only ten days, seven days before the crest and three days after, the rate of fall being much faster than in 1937. Flood stage at Paducah is 43 feet, but four or five feet more can be accomodated without any special inconvenience.
The Spirit Of Paducah
 Looking back at his home town from California, Irvin S. Cobb was prompted to remark at the spirit of his fellow Paducahans. "There are certain things the victims did not lose and never will--their courage and their sense of humor." Mr. Cobb said, adding "they can still laugh at their personal misfortunes even while the world at large still weeps for them."
The forget-it spirit of Paducahans was amply expressed by Fred G. Neuman, an actor in the great drama. Upon being asked if he thought Paducah would come back, Mr. Neuman replied, "Huh, it has never been gone!"

 This set is not linkware. Image is from my own personal collection. Information is taken from a scrapbook that my mother and her mother saved memories in when they were alive. All images and backgrounds were created by me Fiddlinsue.
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